Extensive air showers, initiated in the Earth’s atmosphere by high-energy cosmic rays, emit pulsed radio signals with a typical duration of tens of nanoseconds.
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The Dutch organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) will fund a new antenna network at the Pierre Auger Observatory. The research group Cosmic Ray Research at Radboud University and Nikhef will receive 2.5 million € from the NWO Large Investment Grant programme.
A new article on UHECRs has appeared in Physics World
The Pierre Auger Collaboration finds an indication that some galaxies may be better partners of cosmic rays at the highest energies than others.
The Pierre Auger Collaboration wins award of physicsworld.com: "To the Pierre Auger Observatory collaboration for showing that ultra-high-energy cosmic rays come from outside the Milky Way."
We present a new method for probing the hadronic interaction models at ultra-high energy and extracting details about mass composition.