At the BPS meeting in May 2019, Dr. Daniela Mockler was awarded the "Prize for best speaker". Congratulations!
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March 2019: Young scientists cheer after installing the first antenna for the AugerPrime radio upgrade!
The Pierre Auger Collaboration measured a dipolar anisotropy in the arrival-direction distribution of the cosmic rays with energies in excess of 8x1018 eV, finding that the flux is about
6.5% larger than the average in one direction of the sky and it is correspondingly smaller in the opposite direction.
Extensive air showers, initiated in the Earth’s atmosphere by high-energy cosmic rays, emit pulsed radio signals with a typical duration of tens of nanoseconds.
The Dutch organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) will fund a new antenna network at the Pierre Auger Observatory. The research group Cosmic Ray Research at Radboud University and Nikhef will receive 2.5 million € from the NWO Large Investment Grant programme.
A new article on UHECRs has appeared in Physics World