Ground Breaking Malargüe
17 March 1999
1 Ground Breaking Malargüe – 17 March 1999
2 Announcing the Site of the Auger Observatory
3 Plaque Presentation
4 Presentation to Mayor Jaque
5 School Students with Governor Lafalla
6 Daughter of Pierre Auger with Mayor Jaque
7 Speeches at the Ground Breaking

Building the Campus
1 Building the Auger Campus
2 Starting on the Assembly Building
3 Structure Up
4 Putting up the Walls
5 Connecting the Power
6 Building the Comms Tower
7 Campus Tower – November 2001
8 Pulling cables
9 Water Plant
10 Assembly Building Complete
11 Site of the Auger Center Building – February 2001
12 The Plan
13 Auger Center Building under Construction
14 Auger Center Building under Construction
15 Center Building almost Done
16 Kincho
17 Auger Center Building Finished – Dec 2001
18 The Entrance
19 Café
20 Rosa’s Office
21 Data Acquisition Room

First Surface Detector
The Engineering Array 2000-2001
1 First Surface Detector
2 First Detector Tanks arrive at the Galpon
3 Unloading the Tanks at the Galpon
4 Easy does it
5 Bringing the Liner
6 Putting it together
7 Preparing the Dome Window for the PMT
8 On the Road
9 Clearing the Detector Site
10 Unloading
11 Filtering and Filling
12 First Tank in Place – Yea!
13 Wiring the Power System
14 Installing the Electronics
15 Final Inspection
16 Priscilla – first Auger Tank
17 Lonesome Priscilla

First Fluorescence Building: Los Leones
The Engineering Array 2000-2001
1 First Fluorescence Building: Los Leones
2 Fluorescence Telescope Plan
3 Preparing the Foundation at Los Leones
4 Building under Construction
5 Roof on
6 Telescope Window
7 Assembling the Telescope
8 Czech-German Mirror
9 Assembling the Camera
10 First Telescope
11 Second Telescope
12 Ready for the Shutters
13 Oops! Shutter Interlock Needs Work
14 Los Leones Building from the Air
15 First Large Fluorescence Event – 23 May 2001

From prototypes to the AugerPrime Radio Detector
9 Deployment of AERA-I (2010)
17 The next generation, a prototype for the 3000 km 2 radio array. In the coming years, all Surface Detector stations will be equipped with radio antennas. (2019)
16 A prototype for the AugerPrime Radio Detector Upgrade (2017)
15 Celebrating the installation of 100 AERA-II radio detector stations (2013)
14 Deployment of AERA-II (2013)
13 Deployment of AERA-II (2013)
12 Preparing AERA-II stations at the Auger campus (2013)
11 The central radio station of AERA (2010)
10 AERA-I in the field (2010)
1 Deployment of a first AERA prototype using LPDA antennas (2006)
8 Marking the 1st AERA station positions in the field (2009)
7 The AERA team at a workshop (2009)
6 The final AERA-I prototye station being tested in Europe (2008)
5 A late AERA-I prototype station in the Pampa (2008)
4 A first AERA-I prototype using the wire-LPDA antenna (2007)
3 An AERA prototype using a SALLA antenna (2007)
2 A first AERA-I prototype using the wire-LPDA antenna (2007)

First Communications Tower
The Engineering Array 2000-2001
1 First Communications Tower
2 Preparing to rig the first Comms Tower
3 Attaching the Antenna Mounts
4 Antennas Ready
5 Is this really going to work?
6 Ready?
7 Helping the Leeds team raise the antennas - (then the wind came!)
8 Mounted and Ready (Finally)
9 Los Leones Fluorescence Building and Comms Tower

Celebration 2005
1 Celebration 2005
2 Celebration symposium (Jim Cronin with Miguel Mostafa translating)
3 Symposium Speeches
4 Roses and flags
5 Celebration Ceremony
6 Mayor Rodriguez and Governor Cobos
7 Celebration Ceremony (More speeches)
8 Unveiling the Monument
9 Tour of the surface array
10 Science fair
11 Science fair winners
12 Asado at Pinchera
13 Picnic at Pinchera
14 Dancers

The James W. Cronin School
1 Groundbreaking – 2005
2 Groundbreaking – 2005
3 School under construction – 2005
4 School under construction – 2005
5 Inauguration of the James Cronin School – 2006
6 Teachers
7 Celebrating the new school
8 Students and teachers